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Phases for Basic Services

The Basic Services that may be provided by the architectural consultancy practice shall be for any or all of the following phases

Schematic design is the first phase of basic services for project design. At this stage in a project, the design professional describes the project three-dimensionally. A range of alternative design concepts are explored to define the character of the completed project and an optimum realization of the project program.

Architectural Basic Services

Schematic Design Phase

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In design development, the schematic plans and elevations are reviewed, revised and expanded to incorporate all the details and specifications required for construction. Project components are looked at to the smallest detail.

Architectural Basic Services

Design Development Phase

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Contract Document Phase is the coordination of all technical drawings and designs related to the project, the development of the specifications documents, finalization of details, and an updated statement of probable cost.

Architectural Basic Services

Contract Documentation Phase

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The crucial process of contract management is composed of three phases: pre-award, award, and post-award. Each of these three phases of contract management covers a different step in an agreement's life cycle, and each is equally important to its success.

Architectural Basic Services

Contract Implementation and Management Phase

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In this phase, the architect will assess and determine final completion and issue the final certificate. This is granted by the architect typically one year after practical completion. If final completion is determined the final half of the retention is released.

Architectural Basic Services

Final Completion Phase.

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